Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 2019

It's time to start typing again....question is, "when your mind isn't clear on what to write, then, WHAT do you write?"

I woke up wondering what I had been dreaming about. Truly I don't remember many of my dreams.  This started when I was young and at this time, I am working on ways to re-train my mind to have memory recall or dream recall.  We'll see.

In our news, we're getting more & more Q drops/posts.  These are getting really crazy and also giving the public tons of info. What and where to research to assist us in the awakening process.  Everyone must/needs wake up to the truth of what's been happening on planet Earth for a very long time.

Some of the latest drops, are regarding Snowden and what was behind his intentions all along.  I was definitely a believer in Snowden in the beginning.  My brother-n-law was a bit upset that I thought this guy was some-king of hero, getting the secrets out. His reasons were sound, however, that just didn't work for me. That said, lately with what we've been learning from Q; Snowden was NO hero and his motives were very deep. It's gonna be interesting to watch/see just where this leads this year in the news.  Even Sean Hannity on last Fri eve tv broadcast was talking about how things will be coming to a "head" very soon and most people will be totally shocked at what is released to the public.

Last night I was reading posts, and it seems another Q proof has happened.  Q stated some time back that "they" the alliance had the "server".  They are talking about the HRC server and the entire Benghazi issue along with the U 1 deal with Putin.  These 4 posts were amazing to read and if proven to the public they are true, well, let's say that things are really gonna be fun to watch.  These articles go on to say that even Trump has known the truth for about 2 years now.  WOW!  LOVE my Potus!

Today is the last day of March 2019, and my head is spinning.  The Mueller reports findings have been released and Potus has been vindicated.  Niiice!

With this information now public, President Trump has now called out to the masses, that we need to find out who was behind all of this.  Information such as this, when brought to the light, will infact bring people into their own awakenings!  The truth cannot be contained.

     I have begun taking an online course with David Wilcock.  This is called the Ascension Mystery School teachings.  Today is class #2 out of a total of 5 classes.  These are extremely high end classes and even DW says that some of the info we will be learning, the public isn't ready for yet.  WOW!  I am a believer in David and his teachings. That said, I do understand that he is human and fallible.  He is also teaching us more & more about the series of 'solar sneezes' that this planet is due for.  I do not know if I will see this in my lifetime, however, I DO believe it will happen.  Just as it has in the past. His research and many others have said this 'solar sneeze' happens roughly ever 25, 920 yrs.  They have researched that also the mid-point, about 13,000 yrs is a smaller one.  This is where you read about the North & South poll flipping due to the CME's from our Sun.  Time will tell if this is true.

I have also started following more closely, Jerry Wills.  Jerry is a an amazing person to listen to.  He tells his life stories and adventures and these are remarkable!  Again, I believe Jerry and what he talks about.  Whether this is regarding his own life or his travel adventures.  One of his messages rings very true for me.  That is, GOD resides in all of us!  Not in some building that you are "told" to go to and worship in.  I am a spiritual being and have not believed in the dogma that is fed to the public in a very, very long time.  I knew at a very young age that what these people were telling me was wrong.  It just didn't make any sense!  There is NO way that I came from some man's rib, or, that I was made from dirt! Nope!

When I began my research back in late 2010 and into 2011, I found more truth in the theory of our planet being seeded and manipulated by far more advanced civilizations than I had ever found before.  I knew I was on the right path to the truth,

I just didn't know at that time, just how much of our worlds history has (and had) been ruled by a ruling elite that think they're gods.  This group has lied to the worlds population for centuries and I am looking forward to the day that this veil is torn down.  Again, time will tell on this.

This is all still a work in progress, because how do you wake-up a brainwashed society?  The panic and revolt is going to be massive.  Not to mention the anger.  This is why the Qanon movement is so very, very important!  We have learned, there are only about 6 corporations that own just about 'everything'.  Crazy right?  This group of people, Qanon, (working closely with Potus) is helping get very important information out to the masses that will help wake-up the public to the truth.

I am closing this for now.  March has come to an end and the party has just really started.  Oh my!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

8 Years Since I Last Sat Down...hmmm~

So, 8 years, hmmmm~ long time to think about.

What started me thinking about writing things down you ask? I'm now a huge fan of an on-line alternative News sources, here is a few names: the Edge of Wonder. This is an awesome show with Ben & David hosting.  Ben explained in a recent episode, they had both felt an incredible urge or calling to "help get the word out and also help teach/explain this unreal, but very REAL change humanity is now going through. Also, James Gilliland with Eceti Ranch in Washington State.  Wow, what an amazing teacher he is. I listen to his pod cast whenever possible. Especially since now things are moving at such a fast pace.

I have been having those same feelings/thoughts/ideas in the past few years. Being the intervert I am, sometimes, an idea will live & die in my head. :(  Hence, I talked myself outta sitting down at my blog for sometime.  Needless to say, I continued my schooling in the mystic or ET/ufology and exopolitcs. 

My interest first peaked when Ancient Aliens began on the History Channel. Then I began reading online blogs/web sites of David Wilcock, James Gilliland, Eric VonDanekn, and Linda M Howe. I sooned learned of DW classes on GAIA tv and immediately subscribed. At this point I was about 5 seasons behind.

DW shows/classes, Wisdom Teachings was 30 min long and I could easily watch an episode each morning before leaving for work. It must have been around mid 2011 and I retired end of June 2014.  It didn't take me to long to catch up to current episodes. I was hooked with all the info I was learning. So many things we (hummanity) are not taught. Way to many secrets! 

I was learning things like sacred geometry, science, ancient myths and even spiritual topics were covered.  I do admit, somethings were so "geeky" that they were over my-head. That said, I may not be able to repeat some of what I learned, however, I DID understand what was being taught.

Then in 2014, or was it 2015, DW gets a new show on GAIA called Cosmic Disclosure. This was due to an insider named Corey Goode had come out into the public-eye. This show was dedicated to getting CG's testimony out to the public! To date, CD and Corey interviews have been far beyond my expectations.  I could listen to Corey speak for hours!

Ok, so what are my expectations? 

To learn the truth in all things that have been hidden from humanity for century's. No matter how ugly or painful.  The ugliness must be put to an end! That will in-turn help put an end to the pain.

Humanity must wake-up and get off our knees!  We have been lied to since the day we were born! On just about every topic you can think of.  It's really very sad and heart breaking to think about. 

I have learned to trust sources like Dr. Michael Salla. Also, Jordan Sather, Dutchsince, EarthWatch, William Henry, 3rd Phase of the Moon and to many others to name. 

Most recently, in Oct of 2017 received a gift from what is known as the Alliance.  The Alliance wants full and complete disclosure to the public, however, this needs to be accomplished "legally".

Oh yea, the gift... is Q.

What is Q; it is a group and or a person who is writing posts on a public board ( 8chan & then 4chan) to get the message/truth out to the public.

In the beginning, a lot of it was in code. Truely, a bunch still is, but now, Qanon has he's/she's known, is really giving the public real time information of what is happening in the "Deep State".

I have learned, t
he Deep State is what is behind all the lies and ugliness.

Even Potus has acknowledged in small ways that Q is real and very important.  

I believe when more & more of the truth is revealed; more & more people will wake up and need help in understanding just what happened to the world they thought was real.

This is my goal...hope....desire. To help the masses, or even just my close family and friends. Help them understand, the truth must come out in order for humanity to heal and grow. We must grow, that is why we are here; to learn and grow and finally to be one with Source/Creator/God....whatever you call your most holy.

More later...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Now I’m the kind of person who for years prided myself on enjoying happy hours, wine festivals, cocktail parties, or just going out for a drink with the girls.  I also knew that during my many years of dating and not finding anyone who returned my feelings my drinking habits had gotten out of control. 
Friday, Sept 9, 2005 was my 49th birthday and the day our cruise ended.  My best friend Vicky picked me up at the airport and we took off for a great little Mexican restaurant.   Over dinner and 2 margaritas’ I told her of the entire trip and all the people I’d met.  I even told her of how Kirt had talked about his sobriety at Papas N Beer.
That weekend I’d made a decision, not unlike the one I’d made to quit smoking back in 1988.  Beginning on Monday I began the long process of cutting down on my alcohol intake.  By this time I was drinking easily a 6 pack a night, alone.  I’m very proud to say I still to this day, do not drink ¼ of what I used to.
During the second week of Oct I received a very surprising phone call.  Kirt from San Diego was on the phone and wanted to catch up.  I’d kept in touch with Lisa but had no idea she had been talking with Kirt as well.   We had the most amazing talk and the call lasted almost 3 hours.
It had just a few days and Kirt kept calling.  I was thrilled to say the least!  It was at this time he invited me to join him for the weekend, at the beach house his family had rented in Mission Beach.  I of course immediately yes.  I had not turned down any chance that had come across my door for a real chance of a relationship.
I had not had any luck in the lasting relationship these many years, so with this in mind, I told no one who I was meeting.  I explained I was staying with a girl friend and it was just a simple weekend trip to San Diego.  I told myself, I didn’t want to jinx it by speaking out aloud about to anyone.  Call me superstitious, yep that’s me.
I arrived in San Diego and Kirt; true to his word I had my own room at the beach house.  We had a great time.  We talked for hours and walked to the beach and watched the sunset.  Then of all things we saw a pod of dolphins just a little ways out from the beach.  Kirt said in all his many years in San Diego, he’d never seen a pod that close to the beach before.  It was amazing!
I returned from my weekend knowing I wanted to see Kirt again.  I could feel we had sparks between us and knew he felt the same.  Thus began the almost daily phone calls.  Thank goodness he had free long distance, we should really thank ole ma bell for that.
During one of Kirts many calls in early Nov that he said he was making a trip for business to Phoenix and could we meet up.  I said “hell yea” that I even had a week off just before Thanks Giving, I’d “love to see him again”. 
Kirt told me he’d booked he’s trip for 3 days.  It wasn’t but a few short days later he called and asked me if he could stay with me for 5 instead.  Again my answer was, “yes”.  This was holiday time and the weather was fabulous this time of year.  Kirt and I decided to visit the Botanical Gardens since they had a butterfly event happening.  We had a great time watching and learning about all the different butterflies.
It was during this visit that I truly began to have very deep feelings for Kirt.  We talked for hours and hours.  I found myself wanting to know more about him.  What had made up this man from San Diego? Kirt was very open about his previous marriage and I was too.  However, Kirt’s was much more involved since he had ended a 26 year marriage with his first wife.  My ex-husband and I only lasted 5 ½ years.  Not much comparison there.
By the time Christmas was close Kirt and I wanted to spend as much time together as the traveling would allow.  We chose to have Christmas Eve at my place, and then I’d fly over to San Diego and spend New Years with him and his family.
Meeting Kirt’s family was a huge thing for me.  I hadn’t gotten along with my previous in-laws and was nervous about meeting them.  Kirt flew me over during the second weekend of December 2005.  He’s family has belonged to numerous car clubs and he wanted me to join him at the Horseless Carriage Club luncheon.  I’d never been around anyone who was into antique cars, I was fascinated!  But before the luncheon, I was to have dinner with his mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law.  The entire family was meeting at Anthony’s, thank god; I adored a great seafood dinner.
I looked at the cloths I’d brought and thought, ugh, these will never work!  Kirt and I took off for the nearest mall; I ended up with a smart new pair of black slacks. I had begun to love the Kirt could fix just about anything. 
Dinner introductions were made and we all ordered dinner.  Kirt had already explained that he sister Debbie also was a recovering alcoholic and her husband Chad no longer drank as well.  The only two at the table with a cocktail were his mom and dad.  I am naturally very shy at heart, even though most people would disagree.  I kept very quiet, not speaking unless spoken to.  It had been many years for me to be taken to “meet the family” as it were and I my nerves were dancing.   I was thinking, “I could use a drink bout now”.  Before the main meal was over, the biggest shock of the night happened.  Lear, Kirt’s father looked right at me and asked; “so you wanna be a Simpson, huh?”  My face flushed and I stammered for an answer.  Truthfully, not much came out; a giggle of nervousness and something like, “I hadn’t thought about it”.  The rest of the family simply stared and after an awkward silence, the night progressed on to dessert.  This evening brings back fond memories of meeting my future family.  I knew during this weekend that it was time for Kirt to meet my family.  Oh dear, what a thought!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Post

So they say, "this is the first day of the rest of your life"; can it be just that simple? 

That was the question I thought I answered back on July of 2006, as I answered the question with a "yes".

My leap of faith began when I said yes and married the man I'd fallen in love with in the beginning of 2007.  This jump would include a complete change of everything; from moving away from my home, my son, my friends and all that I'd worked for since being single for the past 20 some years. The funny or strange thing about fate is, I'd be moving back to a location I'd left as a teenager in 1972.  Who knew right?

The powers that be seemed to know I'd be back, don't ask me how, they just knew.

I had been divorced for more than 20 yrs and thought I had tried just about everything on the dating scene.  I tried family, friends and even had joined a multitude of on line dating services, you’ve all heard their famous ads on TV & radio. 

Something caught my eye while surfing the net one afternoon and before I knew it, I was booked on a singles cruise. It was Jan 2005 and it had only been since Aug of 2002 that I had bought my house; needless to say money was not plentiful for me.  The cruise line however offered to find anyone that needed a cabin mate to help split the cost.  That bill fit me to a tee. 
The cruise was scheduled for the Labor Day holiday and being I’d never cruised before I was asking everyone I knew questions.  They were all very helpful even though a bit taken back by my announcement.  “How could I possibly go by myself?”  This was the question all my friends were asking, “wasn’t  I scared”?  I told them nope, not me!

When the cruise was about a month away, the web site in charge opened up a chat room for all who were on board for this singles event.  I found that to be fun and exciting; talking to all these people who I was soon to meet.  Most everyone posted photos so we could find each other once on the ship.  I was lucky enough to meet one the nicest people in the world and she is now one of my very best friends!  This was to be Lisa’s first cruise as well, she however opted to get a cabin my herself  and we ended up and different decks of the ship. 

Lisa and I began talking on the phone before the cruise and decided to hang with each other while on the cruise.  This worked out great for both of us, we seemed to calm each other while having a grand time cruising and meeting people.

Our first stop happened to be in San Diego and low & behold another singles cruiser, Kirt had told everyone this was his home port .  I hadn’t even planned to get off the ship since I had lived here before and moved away in Aug of 1972.  Then Kirt announced at breakfast he was renting a car and would be tour guide for anyone who wanted to join him.  Well hell, myself  and 2 other ladies immediately volunteered.  I thought why not, you only live once and I’ll just go where ever the others decided. 

It so happened to be a beautiful day in San Diego and Kirt had gotten a white convertible for the day’s  drive.  I set up front and Freda and Lucy set in back.  We ended up driving over to the Hotel Del Coronado and Lucy told us she had a picture of a ghost in the photo of her being there before.  We all said “sure you do”.  It is a grand place with wonderful history behind it, I recommend it for everyone.

Then it was on to the famous Gas Lamp district for some shopping for Freda.  This as it turns out was to be the funniest thing about the day.  You see, our tour guide and resident of San Diego got lost!  Yes, he was lost and couldn’t find it to save him.  Well to say he was frazzled is the least of it, he also had 3 women laughing and teasing him.  This however seemed to please him immensely.

That was the beginning of our cruise.  The end was in Ensanada  and somehow we all ended up at the famous Papa’s N Beer.  If you’ve been there, then no explanations are needed.  As we all set around drinking and having a blast, another singles cruiser, Pat asked Kirt why he no longer drank.  Kirt had already told us ladies he didn’t drink, but no of us had asked the “whys” of it. 
I listened to Kirt tell his story while we all set there holding our cocktails.  I had not heard anyone speak before like him about the misery of alcoholism.  My first husband and one of my dearest aunts had been an alcoholic.  I hung on every word he said.  This was to be the beginning of the changes that were to come.

When it was time to disembark from the cruise we all said our good byes and promised to keep in touch.  Lisa and I exchanged numbers and I knew we would keep in touch even though she lived in San Francisco and I lived in Phoenix.